Answers and best practices from the CleverBooster Team

First how familiar would you say you are with jQuery? Below are some methods we've baked into our platform to allow you to pass information or call javascript to and from your site and the CB - Form Builder Pro

Put this code anywhere in your html theme between <script> and </script> to listen events:

    window.appCBForm = window.appCBForm||function(){(window.appCBForm.q=window.appCBForm.q||[]).push(arguments)};
    appCBForm('inited', function(form){
      // triggered when form inited
      console.log('inited', form)

    appCBForm('loaded', function(form){
      // triggered when form loaded
      console.log('loaded', form)

    appCBForm('onEnter', function(form, input){
      // triggered when an input is entered/changed
      console.log('onEnter', form, input)

    appCBForm('onNext', function(...args){
      // triggered when Next Button is clicked
      console.log('onNext..', ...args)
    appCBForm('onError', function(...args){
      // triggered when form gets error
      console.log('onError..', ...args)
    appCBForm('onSubmit', function(...args){
      // triggered when form is submitted
      console.log('onSubmit..', ...args)
    appCBForm('onSubmitSuccess', function(...args){
      // triggered when form is submitted successfully
      console.log('onSubmitSuccess..', ...args)
    appCBForm('onSubmitError', function(...args){
      // triggered when form is submitted error
      console.log('onSubmitError..', ...args)
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